The individual book characters have their share of issues. As different as they may seem, their lifes are connected and their stories continue to interlace. They all contribute to the story that is 'Belfast Central'.
On this page each character has its say about themselves and where they stand at the beginning of the book. So take a look and get a better understanding of them and their story.
Ryan Goodwin
Yes Goodwin. The Goodwin. Everyone in Belfast knows that name. For decades my family has made a fortune with producing and selling guns. They don’t really care that their business supports the war that is raging on our streets. I am having non of it. I want to help people, not arm them. So, I am currently in training to become a paramedic. My family sneers at me for that but you know what? I don’t care. It’s just something I need to do.

Larry “Dok” Hainsworth
Did you ever look around the room and think, damn I’m by far the smartest in the room? – That happens to me all the time! Not that I would be out for it, it just happens. With my fellow tutors, my students, my friends … especially Ryan. Don’t get me wrong, I love him. He is like a brother to me but he is so starry-eyed, sometimes. I mean what is all this I want to be a paramedic and save the world? The world doesn’t want to be saved. Life’s a bitch you better **** her. I just hope he comes to his senses before his idealistic ideas blow up in his face.
Lena Bathurst
I’m not sure where I’m supposed to start. How am I supposed to describe myself? About a year ago, I would have told you I’m happy … a loving mother and wife. But now? With my little girl taken from me, all I can feel is sadness, indifference.
My husband didn’t take the loss well either. He is in jail now, leaving me alone in my sorrow. My friends are loving and supporting but it simply isn’t enough. Maybe I need some distance, a fresh start …

Mark “Housekeeper” Bathurst
The first thing they taught us in military training was: Never let the enemy catch you off guard. How could I be so stupid and forget about that? Well, I didn’t really forget aboutit, I just didn’t consider to be watchful. After all I was not on battleground, I was in a bakery with my little daugther. My sweet little daughter. They took her from me. But I found them and I did what every father would have done. I regret nothing.
Adam Delaney
Hi there, I’m Adam. In my town I’m know as the troublemaker. But I think they are exaggerating. I’m not that bad, most of the time. My father sees it differently though. We have a lot of fallouts about my pranks. But lately a lot has changed in town. I could really use a father right now but he is too busy yelling at me. Doesn’t he see I’m hurting? Or does he simply not care? I sometimes wonder what he would do if I just disappeared.

Elaine Delaney
OK, I just need to say it: I’m in love. I’m sooo in love. And guess what? She likes me too. Yes, she. That’s the catch. That’s why I can’t tell anyone. Not my parents, in particular. They will freak … To be honest I’m most scared of my dad. He is soo … impulsive and violent. But I try not to think about that. Especially when I’m with her. She just makes me soo happy. She cares so much about me and my wellbeing. I still sometimes can’t believe this is happening. Being the youngest of seven sisters I’m not used to that kind of attention. For the first time in my life I feel special. Like I matter, at least for one person in this world.
Wilbourg Swanson
Recently, my Dad had the best idea ever: He moved with Mom and me to Down Patrick. A Catholic town. Not a very smart move for a Protestant family. In school I’m the outsider, get beaten up by bullies regularly. My only friend here is Adam. He doesn’t seem to care that we don’t go to the same church. To be honest, I don’t care either. What’s the big fuss anyway? We are all Christians after all, right?

A big thank you to Andrea Skorpil a very talented illustrator who drew my characters and helped them come to life even more.